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This year I have chosen to ride for cancers affecting children, ETMR specifically. Though we as riders don't have the cure to cancer, you and I can help clear the way with donations to support cancer research.

Uniting as a team, our efforts can be considerable. We can make a difference to the lives of our friends and relatives, children and children's children. Our grandchildren will thank our efforts today for cures tomorrow.

Let's make a difference to young cancer patients all over the world.The donation you provide to the BC Cancer Foundation through my Ride, regardless of the amount, helps the world move closer to cures and treatments.*

Thank you for any donation amount you are able to give. It all adds up!

I really believe we can conquer cancer together!

every child deserves opportunity


* Every dollar you donate means a dollar more to the world leading scientists and doctors at BC Cancer who are conquering cancer. 

-Conall Barr

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To schedule an appointment time that suits you or have a question? Call us at
604-230-5441 or email cbarr@cbarrhomeinspections.com

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PH: 604 230 5441

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